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Today in History

November 29


1890   The 1st Army-Navy football game is played.

1929   U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd becomes the first person to fly over the South Pole.

1963   U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson establishes the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

1987   Joe Montana of SF 49ers completes an NFL record 22 consecutive passes

Famous Birthdays:

1803   Christian Doppler (Scientist)

1898   C. S. Lewis (Author - Chronicles of Narnia Series)

1918   Madeline L'Engle (Auther - Wrinkle in Time)

1955   Howie Mandel (Game show host)

1963   Andrew McCarthy (Actor)

1832   Louisa May Alcott (Author - Little Women)

1972   Jamal Mashburn (Basketball Player)

1976   Anna Faris (Actress)

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