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Today in History

August 29


1756   The Seven Years' War is started when Frederick the Great attacks Saxony.

1831   Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction.

1885   The world's first motorcycle is patented by Gottlieb Daimler.

1958   The US Air Force Academy opens in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

2005   Hurricane Katrina hits land and begins to devastate much of the U.S. Gulf Coast

Famous Birthdays:

1809   Oliver Wendell Holmes (Author)

1915   Ingrid Bergman (Actress)

1936   Johh McCain (Arizona Senator that ran for president)

1941   Robin Leach (TV Host)

1958   Michael Jackson (Singer)

1959   Rebecca De Mornay (Actress)

1977   Roy Oswalt (Baseball player)

1986   Lea Michele (Actress)

1993   Liam Payne (Singer)

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