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Today in History

August 1


1498   Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to visit Venezuela.

1774   The element oxygen is discovered.

1831   The London Bridge opens.

1944   Anne Frank makes the final entry in her diary.

1961   The first Six Flags park open in Texas.

1981   First broadcasts by MTV. The first video played was Video Killed The Radio Star""."

Famous Birthdays:

10 BC   Claudius (Roman Emperor)

1770   William Clark (Explorer with partner Lewis)

1779   Francis Scott Key (Composer of the Star Spangled Banner)

1819   Herman Melville (Author of Moby Dick)

1933   Dom DeLuise (Actor)

1942   Jerry Garcia (Singer for the Grateful Dead)

1963   Coolio (Rapper)

1973   Tempestt Bledsoe (Actress from the Cosby Show)

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