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Shakespeare's Macbeth

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1. Q: Who was the King of Scotland?

A: Macbeth

B: Duncan

C: Banquo

D: Fleance


2. Q: Who was the officer attending to Macbeth?

A: Seyton

B: Siward

C: Macduff

D: Lennox


3. Q: Who was Banquo's son?

A: Malcolm

B: Duncan

C: Macbeth

D: Fleance


4. Q: Who were the generals of the King's army?

A: Fleance and Macbeth

B: Macduff and Macbeth

C: Siward and Macduff

D: Banquo and Macbeth


5. Q: Who was Earl of Northumberland and a general of the English forces?

A: Macbeth

B: Macduff

C: Siward

D: Seyton


6. Q: In what country is Macbeth primarily set?

A: France

B: England

C: Scotland

D: Germany


7. Q: Where does the first scene take place?

A: a desert place

B: a forest

C: the castle

D: a dungeon


8. Q: Who are the major characters in the first scene?

A: Macbeth and Duncan

B: Macbeth and Banquo

C: Three witches

D: Duncan and Banquo


9. Q: What is Macbeth's reward for defeating the rebels?

A: He becomes King of Scotland

B: He becomes the Thane of Cawdor

C: He becomes a general

D: He becomes Earl of York


10. Q: Who predicts that Macbeth will become king?

A: the three witches

B: Banquo

C: Duncan

D: the Thane of Cawdor


11. Q: Who does Duncan name as successor to his throne?

A: Macbeth

B: Macduff

C: Banquo

D: Malcolm


12. Q: Who comes up with the plot to kill King Duncan?

A: Macbeth

B: Lady Macbeth

C: Malcolm

D: Banquo


13. Q: When Macbeth hears the bell toll, what does he think this portends?

A: Duncan going to heaven or hell

B: His own demise

C: His wifes death

D: Malcoms death


14. Q: How does Macbeth kill Duncan?

A: with poison

B: with daggers

C: with an axe

D: with a candlestick


15. Q: Who does Macbeth and Lady Macbeth blame for the king's murder?

A: Malcom

B: Banquo

C: the three witches

D: the guards


16. Q: Who flees Scotland because they are afraid of being blamed for the king's murder?

A: Macduff

B: Banquo and Seyton

C: Malcolm and Donalbain

D: the guards


17. Q: Who does Macbeth plot after he kills the king?

A: Banquo and Fleance

B: the gaurds

C: Malcolm and Donalbain

D: Lady Macbeth


18. Q: Who escapes being murdered by Macbeth's killers?

A: Banquo

B: Fleance

C: Lady Macbeth

D: Duncan


19. Q: Who's ghost appears to Macbeth at a banquet in Act III?

A: Banquo

B: Malcolm

C: Duncan

D: one of the witches


20. Q: Who scolds the three witches for not being included in their plans for Macbeth?

A: Lady Macduff

B: Hecate

C: Lady Macbeth

D: Banquo's ghost


21. Q: Who forms an army to overthrow Macbeth?

A: Lady Macbeth

B: Hecate

C: Malcolm

D: Seyton


22. Q: "Who says ""double, double toil and trouble""?"

A: Macbeth

B: Macduff

C: Malcolm

D: the three witches


23. Q: Which of the following was not told to Macbeth by the three ghosts?

A: That he would be king

B: That Macduff would betray him

C: That no man born of a child could harm him

D: That he will rule Scotland until the forest at Birnam marches to the castle at Dunsinane


24. Q: Who's family does Macbeth have killed because of his betrayal?

A: Duncan's

B: Seyton's

C: Macduff's

D: Siward's


25. Q: Who does Lady Macbeth confess to while talking in her sleep?

A: a doctor and gentlewoman

B: a doctor and guard

C: two guards

D: Lady Mcduff


26. Q: "When does Macbeth say that life ""is a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury/Signifying nothing."" ?"

A: When talking to the three witches about his future

B: After Lady Macbeth dies

C: When plotting to kill Duncan

D: After he kills Duncan


27. Q: How does Malcom's army fulfill the witches prophesy?

A: by climbing the walls of the castle

B: by marching without swords

C: by camouflaging themselves with branches from the trees of Birnam Wood

D: "by yelling ""Malcom is King"" when attacking"


28. Q: Who kills Macbeth in a dual at the end of the play?

A: Banquo's ghost

B: Siward

C: Malcolm

D: Maduff


29. Q: How is it that Macduff is not of a woman born?

A: he was prematurely ripped from the womb

B: he was created by the three witches

C: he is a ghost

D: he is a god


30. Q: How many Acts are there in Macbeth?

A: 3

B: 4

C: 5

D: 6


Click here for the Answers to Shakespeare's Macbeth questions

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