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Basic Computer

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1. Q: What does DRAM stand for?

A: Double Random Access Memory

B: Dynamic Random Access Memory

C: Data Random Access Memory

D: Data Random Active Memory


2. Q: What is Cache RAM?

A: Extra memory used for overflow from your Hard Disk

B: A place to store secret information like passwords

C: Its the same as your Hard Disk Drive

D: Fast memory used for data that is accessed often


3. Q: What technology of memory is Cache RAM usually?



C: Flash



4. Q: Which is usually faster in a PC system: DRAM or SDRAM?




5. Q: Where is your BIOS stored?



C: Flash

D: Hard Disk


6. Q: Which one of the following is not an Operating System?

A: Windows

B: OS2

C: Word Perfect

D: Linux


7. Q: Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?


B: Cache

C: Hard Disk Drive

D: Monitor


8. Q: What is Non-volitile Memory?

A: Memory that stores data when the power is off

B: Memory that only stores data when the power is on

C: Memory that works over extreme temperatures

D: Memory that is very fast


9. Q: What is PCI?

A: A kind of graphics

B: A type of system bus

C: A type of monitor

D: A modem standard


10. Q: What does a modem do?

A: Talks to your Monitor

B: Speeds up the Hard Drive access times

C: Changes digital signals to signals that work on the telephone lines

D: Determines where you should call for internet access


11. Q: Which is usually faster in a PC system: RDRAM or SDRAM?




12. Q: How many cycles per second is 1GHz?

A: 1,000

B: 100,000

C: 1,000,000

D: 1,000,000,000


13. Q: How many bits is 1K Byte?

A: 1000

B: 1024

C: 1096

D: 512


14. Q: Firewire is the same as:

A: IEEE 1394

B: 56K Modem

C: Roadrunner



15. Q: Firewire is usually used for:

A: Connecting to the internet

B: Downloading Digital Camera pictures

C: Connecting to the printer

D: Interfacing to a Digital Camcorder


16. Q: What is USB?

A: A new Hard Disk standard

B: A new CD-ROM specification

C: A high-speed serial connection

D: A high-speed video connection


17. Q: Which company is not a microprocessor manufacturer?

A: Intel

B: Microsoft




18. Q: Which company is not a PC manufacturer?

A: Dell

B: Compaq

C: Intel

D: Gateway


19. Q: Is it better to have a lower or higher dot pitch (dp) monitor?

A: lower

B: higher


20. Q: What does DDR stand for?

A: DRAM Double Rate

B: Data DRAM Rate

C: Double Data Rate

D: Double DRAM Rate


21. Q: "How much data can a double sided High Density 3.5"" Floppy Disk Drive store?"

A: 768 KB

B: 1.44 MB

C: 3 GB

D: 10 GB


22. Q: How many bits are in a byte?

A: 8

B: 16

C: 32

D: 64


23. Q: What does GUI stand for?

A: Genuine Unit Invention

B: Graphical User Interface

C: Graphical Unit Interface

D: Graphical Unit Imagination


24. Q: Which of the following is not a typical peripheral port?


B: Parallel

C: Serial



25. Q: Which microprocessor is used in Apple computers?

A: Pentium

B: Athlon


D: Power PC


26. Q: Which is the fastest?

A: Hard Disk Drive

B: Flash


D: Floppy Disk Drive


27. Q: What does a system bus do?

A: carries out instructions

B: stores data and instructions

C: allows the user to communicate with the computer

D: connects various compents within the computer


28. Q: What does memory do?

A: carries out instructions

B: stores data and instructions

C: allows the user to communicate with the computer

D: connects various components within the computer


29. Q: What does the CPU do?

A: carries out instructions

B: stores data and instructions

C: allows the user to communicate with the computer

D: connects various components within the computer


30. Q: What do input devices do?

A: carrie out instructions

B: store data and instructions

C: allows the user to communicate with the computer

D: connects various components within the computer


31. Q: What does CPU stand for?

A: Core Processing Unit

B: Central Processing Unit

C: Central Presentation Unit

D: Computer Processor Unit


32. Q: Which is not an input device?

A: keyboard

B: mouse

C: touch screen

D: monitor


33. Q: Which is not an output device?

A: Monitor

B: Printer

C: Mouse

D: Speaker


34. Q: Which is not considered software?

A: Hard Disk Drive

B: Operating System

C: Application

D: Program


35. Q: What does ROM stand for?

A: Random Off Memory

B: Read Only Memory

C: Read On Memory

D: Randam Only Memory


36. Q: Which of the following is not a programming language?

A: Cobol

B: C++

C: Fortran

D: Windows


37. Q: What does LAN stand for?

A: Latency Around Netwok

B: Leased Area Network

C: Last Affordable Network

D: Local Area Network


38. Q: The internet would be considered a WAN or a LAN?




39. Q: What language does a browser typically interpret to display information from the World Wide Web?

A: C++


C: Machine Code

D: Assembly Language


40. Q: Additional DRAM may speed up the performance of your PC?




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