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A drawing of a complex electronic circuit
I = V/R
This is measured in Ohms
An electronic 1, Not low
Components connected end-to-end in a circuit are connected in ___, not parallel
A device that stores and produces electricity using chemical cells
What fiber optic cables are made of
Particle in an atom that carries a negative charge
Math using only 0's and 1's
It is measured in Farads
The flow of electric charge
Electricity from a storm
The direction of current from a magnetic field can be found using the "___ hand rule"
A type of electric charge that can build up on the surface of objects
It is measured in Watts
____ Current or DC
Abbreviation for Printed Circuit Board
Measurement for Current
This type of energy can be replenished, solar power, windmills
____ Current or AC
Electromagnetism is used to power electric ____
A material that allows electricity to flow easily
A common material used to make magnets
Measure of potential difference in an electrical circuit