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Today in History

May 25


1935   Jesse Owens sets or ties four track and field world records in a span of 45 minutes.

1935   Babe Ruth hits his 714th home run

1977   The movie Star Wars is released.

1986   Hands Across America took place.

1961   President John F. Kennedy states that the USA will put a man on the moon and bring him back to earth safely, by the end of the decade.

Famous Birthdays:

1803   Ralph Waldo Emerson (Writer and philosopher)

1927   Robert Ludlum (Author of the Bourne Identity)

1939   Ian McKellan (Actor was Gandolf in Lord of the Rings)

1944   Frank Oz (Puppeteer - Yoda)

1963   Mike Myers (Actor)

1994   Ally Raisman (Olympic Gymnast)

1970   Jaime Kennedy (Actor)

1978   Brian Urlacher (NFL Football player)

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