Physics: Galaxies

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Galaxies.

1. Which of the following best defines a galaxy?
a. A giant star
b. An area of high gravity where even light cannot escape
c. A large group of stars spinning around a center of high gravity
d. A star and its planets
e. A large area of empty space

2. What galaxy do we live in?
a. Pinwheel
b. Andromeda
c. Sunflower
d. Whirlpool
e. Milky Way

3. Our galaxy is a part of what galaxy cluster?
a. Local group
b. Magellanic clouds
c. Leo group
d. Ursa Major group
e. ABBA group

4. What type of galaxy is formed by a massive grouping of stars in the shape of a disc?
a. Spiral galaxy
b. Barred spiral galaxy
c. Elliptical galaxy
d. Irregular galaxy
e. None of the Above

5. What type of galaxy is often formed when two other types of galaxies crash into each other?
a. Spiral galaxy
b. Barred spiral galaxy
c. Elliptical galaxy
d. Irregular galaxy
e. None of the Above

6. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
a. Spiral galaxy
b. Barred spiral galaxy
c. Elliptical galaxy
d. Irregular galaxy
e. None of the Above

7. What type of galaxy has a long bar in the middle with spirals coming off the ends?
a. Spiral galaxy
b. Barred spiral galaxy
c. Elliptical galaxy
d. Irregular galaxy
e. None of the Above

8. What do scientists believe exists at the center of galaxies?
a. A giant star
b. Empty space
c. A massive black hole
d. Dark matter
e. A portal to another universe

9. What galaxy is closest to the Milky Way?
a. Pinwheel
b. Andromeda
c. Sunflower
d. Whirlpool
e. Solar System

10. Around how long does it take the Sun to orbit our galaxy?
a. 1 year
b. 100 years
c. 365 years
d. 1 million years
e. Over 200 million years

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Galaxies page at

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