Aztec Empire - Gods and Mythology

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Aztec Empire - Gods and Mythology.

1. The Aztecs called themselves the 'People of the ____'.
a. Moon
b. Stars
c. Sun
d. Earth
e. Ocean

2. Which god was the Aztec god of rain and water?
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Tlaloc
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Tezcatlipoca
e. Chicomecoatl

3. Which god was the Aztec god of magic, the night, and the Earth? His name meant 'smoking mirror.'
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Tlaloc
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Tezcatlipoca
e. Chicomecoatl

4. Which god was the Aztec god of wind and life? His name meant 'feathered serpent.'
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Tlaloc
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Tezcatlipoca
e. Chicomecoatl

5. Who was the Aztec goddess of agriculture, nourishment, and corn? Her name meant 'seven snakes.'
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Tlaloc
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Tezcatlipoca
e. Chicomecoatl

6. Which god was the most fearsome and powerful of the Aztec gods?
a. Huitzilopochtli
b. Tlaloc
c. Quetzalcoatl
d. Tezcatlipoca
e. Chicomecoatl

7. What did the priests sacrifice to the gods each day in order to help the sun rise?
a. Corn
b. Humans
c. Chickens
d. Gold
e. Wine

8. What did the Aztecs need to do in order to get to the top level of heaven?
a. Good works
b. Kill their enemies
c. Die in battle
d. Work hard as a farmer
e. All of the above

9. Why did the Aztecs hold a festival called the 'new fire' every 52 years?
a. To help the sun rise each day
b. To help the dead get to the afterlife
c. To help the crops grow
d. To keep the world from coming to an end
e. To defeat their enemies in battle

10. True or False: The Aztecs sometimes went to war just to capture people to sacrifice to the gods.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Aztec Empire - Gods and Mythology page at

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