Earth Science: Wind

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Wind.

1. What two elements make up the majority of the air on Earth?
a. Oxygen and hydrogen
b. Hydrogen and nitrogen
c. Oxygen and helium
d. Carbon and oxygen
e. Nitrogen and oxygen

2. What causes wind?
a. Rain
b. Changes in the angle of the Sun
c. Clouds
d. Differences in air pressure
e. Scientists still don't know what causes wind

3. What is the main cause of differences in air pressure on Earth?
a. Elevation
b. Temperature
c. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
d. The Earth's electromagnetic field
e. The spin of the Earth

4. What are the two main measurements used to describe wind?
a. Pressure and temperature
b. Temperature and direction
c. Direction and speed
d. Speed and pressure
e. Speed and temperature

5. What is it called when the spin of the Earth affects the direction of the Earth's winds?
a. Equator effect
b. High pressure effect
c. Top effect
d. Rotation effect
e. Coriolis effect

6. What does an anemometer measure?
a. The direction of the wind
b. The temperature of the wind
c. The density of the wind
d. The speed of the wind
e. Air pressure

7. Which of the following global winds are located in the middle latitudes of the globe?
a. Trade winds
b. Prevailing westerlies
c. Polar easterlies
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

8. Which of the following global winds form near the equator?
a. Trade winds
b. Prevailing westerlies
c. Polar easterlies
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

9. True or False: Wind can be an excellent source of renewable energy using wind farms to produce electricity.

10. What does a barometer measure?
a. The direction of the wind
b. The temperature of the wind
c. The density of the wind
d. The speed of the wind
e. Air pressure

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Wind page at

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