Earth Science: Weather

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Weather.

1. What is the science of weather called?
a. Geology
b. Meteorology
c. Astronomy
d. Chemistry
e. Biology

2. What causes wind?
a. Rain
b. Changes in the angle of the Sun
c. Clouds
d. Differences in air pressure
e. Scientists still don't know what causes wind

3. Where is there generally a cold area of low pressure on Earth?
a. At the north and south poles
b. At the equator
c. In the Southern Hemisphere
d. In the Northern Hemisphere
e. Over North America

4. What is it called when the spin of the Earth affects the direction of the Earth's winds?
a. Equator effect
b. High pressure effect
c. Top effect
d. Rotation effect
e. Coriolis effect

5. Which of the following is a form a precipitation?
a. Rain
b. Snow
c. Sleet
d. Hail
e. All of the above

6. What type of clouds are high, thin clouds made of ice crystals?
a. Cumulous clouds
b. Cirrus clouds
c. Stratus clouds
d. Fog
e. None of the Above

7. What type of clouds are low flat clouds that create overcast days?
a. Cumulous clouds
b. Cirrus clouds
c. Stratus clouds
d. Fog
e. None of the Above

8. What type of clouds are the big puffy white clouds that can turn into thunderstorms?
a. Cumulous clouds
b. Cirrus clouds
c. Stratus clouds
d. Fog
e. None of the Above

9. What do we call a cloud that forms right on the surface of the Earth?
a. Cumulous clouds
b. Cirrus clouds
c. Stratus clouds
d. Fog
e. None of the Above

10. What do we call the boundary between two different air masses?
a. Cumulous boundary
b. Climate change
c. Cloud edge
d. Wind funnel
e. Weather front

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Weather page at

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