Physics: Electromagnetic Waves

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Electromagnetic Waves.

1. What can electromagnetic waves travel through that mechanical waves can not travel through?
a. Air
b. Wood
c. Water
d. Vacuum
e. All of the above

2. Electromagnetic waves are classified using what measurement?
a. Amplitude
b. Frequency
c. Power
d. Energy
e. Type of photons

3. What type of electromagnetic waves cause sunburns?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. Visible light
e. Ultraviolet

4. What type of electromagnetic waves are used to cook food, predict the weather, and for communications?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. Visible light
e. Ultraviolet

5. What type of waves are used on a TV remote control?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. Visible light
e. Ultraviolet

6. Which electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelengths?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. Visible light
e. Ultraviolet

7. Which electromagnetic waves enable humans to see?
a. Radio waves
b. Microwaves
c. Infrared rays
d. Visible light
e. Ultraviolet

8. What type of electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelengths?
a. Radio waves
b. X-Rays
c. Infrared rays
d. Gamma rays
e. Ultraviolet

9. What type of electromagnetic waves are used to take pictures of bones in medicine?
a. Radio waves
b. X-Rays
c. Infrared rays
d. Gamma rays
e. Ultraviolet

10. What type of electromagnetic waves have the most energy?
a. Radio waves
b. X-Rays
c. Infrared rays
d. Gamma rays
e. Ultraviolet

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Electromagnetic Waves page at

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