Earth Science: Tundra

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Tundra.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the tundra biome?
a. It is cold
b. It gets lots of precipitation in the form of snow
c. The ground below the topsoil is frozen
d. It has a short growing season
e. It has few nutrients to support plant and animal life

2. What do scientists call the permanently frozen ground that sits just below the topsoil of the tundra?
a. Ice layer
b. Cold dirt
c. Frozen clay
d. Permafrost
e. Neverland

3. What do we call a tundra biome that consists of land high in the mountains above the tree line?
a. Alpine tundra
b. High tundra
c. Arctic tundra
d. Frozen tundra
e. Treeless tundra

4. What do we call a tundra biome that is located in the far north along the Arctic Circle?
a. Alpine tundra
b. High tundra
c. Arctic tundra
d. Frozen tundra
e. Treeless tundra

5. What is the longest season in the northern tundra?
a. Spring
b. Summer
c. Fall
d. Winter

6. Which of the following plants typically cannot grow in the tundra?
a. Grasses
b. Lichens
c. Herbs
d. Shrubs
e. Trees

7. Which of the following animals are active in the tundra during the winter?
a. Ermines
b. Snowy owls
c. Musk oxen
d. Arctic fox
e. All of the above

8. Which of the following animals migrates south for the winter away from the tundra?
a. Insects
b. Caribou
c. Ermines
d. Musk oxen
e. All of the above

9. Why do many animals that live in the tundra have small ears and tails?
a. Because they don't need to hear well
b. In order to sleep better in the winter
c. So they lose less heat in the cold
d. Because food is so scarce
e. False, most animals in the tundra have large ears and tails

10. True or False: The tundra is much more active with plant and animal life in the winter than in the summer.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Tundra page at

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