Physics: Stars

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Stars.

1. Stars are made up mostly of what two elements?
a. Iron and nickel
b. Oxygen and hydrogen
c. Silicon and sulfur
d. Hydrogen and helium
e. Helium and Magnesium

2. What process allows stars to produce so much heat and energy?
a. Fossil fuels
b. Hydropower
c. Nuclear fusion
d. Electric wind
e. Photosynthesis

3. What do we call it when a large star collapses and creates a massive nuclear explosion?
a. Nebulae
b. Protostar
c. Main sequence star
d. Red giant
e. Supernova

4. Which stage in the life cycle of a star lasts the longest?
a. Nebulae
b. Protostar
c. Main sequence star
d. Red giant
e. Supernova

5. What do we call a giant cloud of space dust that will someday form into a star?
a. Nebulae
b. Protostar
c. Main sequence star
d. Red giant
e. Supernova

6. What do we call a star that has ran out of hydrogen and expanded?
a. Nebulae
b. Protostar
c. Main sequence star
d. Red giant
e. Supernova

7. What type of star is the Sun?
a. Red dwarf star
b. Yellow dwarf star
c. Super giant star
d. Neutron star
e. Brown dwarf

8. What type of star is very small and dense and was created by the collapse of a giant star?
a. Red dwarf star
b. Yellow dwarf star
c. Super giant star
d. Neutron star
e. Brown dwarf

9. What type of star is the most common star in the universe?
a. Red dwarf star
b. Yellow dwarf star
c. Super giant star
d. Neutron star
e. Brown dwarf

10. What color are the largest stars?
a. Brown
b. Red
c. Yellow
d. Green
e. Blue

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Stars page at

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