Physics: Pitch and Acoustics

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Pitch and Acoustics.

1. The faster the frequency of a sound wave, the ______ the pitch of the sound.
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. Same (frequency doesn't affect pitch)

2. What is the standard unit of measure for frequency?
a. Watts
b. Decibels
c. Joules
d. Hertz
e. Amperes

3. Which sound would likely have the lowest frequency?
a. Someone's voice
b. A whistle
c. A bass guitar
d. A flute
e. A bird singing

4. What part of the human body helps us to make sounds and talk?
a. Lungs
b. Tongue
c. Vocal cords
d. Throat
e. All of the above

5. What part of the human body vibrates to make sound when we talk?
a. Lungs
b. Tongue
c. Vocal cords
d. Throat
e. Mouth

6. True or False: Acoustic design can be used to help sound travel in some buildings and to prevent sound from traveling in other buildings.

7. What is it called when sound waves bounce off of certain materials?
a. Acoustics
b. Vibration
c. Absorption
d. Reverberation
e. The Doppler Effect

8. What is it called when sound waves are not reflected off of certain materials?
a. Acoustics
b. Vibration
c. Absorption
d. Reverberation
e. The Doppler Effect

9. Which of the following items is most likely to reverberate sound?
a. Curtains
b. Tile flooring
c. Carpeting
d. Blankets
e. Rugs

10. What is it called when sound waves from a moving car change pitch as the car passes by you?
a. Acoustics
b. Vibration
c. Absorption
d. Reverberation
e. The Doppler Effect

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Pitch and Acoustics page at

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