Earth Science: Renewable Energy

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Renewable Energy.

1. Which of the following is an example of a renewable energy source?
a. Gasoline
b. Solar power
c. Coal
d. Fossil fuels
e. All of the above

2. Which of the following best describes renewable energy?
a. Energy from fossil fuels
b. Energy that is generated by burning up something
c. An energy source that is not used up
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

3. Why is developing renewable energy important to life on Earth?
a. Other energy sources will be used up and gone forever
b. We will run out of energy
c. Renewable energy can last forever
d. Renewable energy produces less pollution
e. All of the above

4. What type of renewable energy comes from building dams on rivers?
a. Wind power
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

5. What type of renewable energy comes from tapping heat generated inside the Earth?
a. Wind power
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

6. What type of renewable energy comes from capturing the power of the sun's rays?
a. Wind power
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

7. What type of renewable energy comes from the power of the ocean?
a. Biomass energy
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

8. What type of renewable energy comes from burning plants?
a. Biomass energy
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

9. What type of renewable energy is generated by wind turbines?
a. Wind power
b. Solar power
c. Hydropower
d. Wave and tidal power
e. Geothermal energy

10. True or False: Renewable energy is generally better for the environment as it produces less pollution.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Renewable Energy page at

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