Physics: Light as a Wave

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Light as a Wave.

1. Light behaves like both a particle and a ______.
a. Current
b. Mass
c. Wave
d. Voltage
e. Field

2. What particles make up light?
a. Protons
b. Neutrons
c. Electrons
d. Photons
e. Quarks

3. What property of light allows us to see objects?
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Diffraction
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

4. What type of reflection occurs when light rays are reflected off of a surface in a single outgoing direction?
a. Diffuse reflection
b. Specular reflection

5. What type of reflection occurs when light rays are reflected off of a surface in a number of different directions?
a. Diffuse reflection
b. Specular reflection

6. Which of the following items is the best example of specular reflection?
a. Paper
b. A desktop
c. A painted wall
d. A chair
e. A mirror

7. What wave-like property of light causes it to change direction when it moves from one medium to another?
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Diffraction
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

8. When calculating the index of refraction of a substance, what does the letter 'c' stand for?
a. Conduction of the material
b. Inductance of the material
c. The number of photons present
d. Speed of light in a vacuum
e. The effect of gravity on the index

9. Does light travel faster in water or in a vacuum?
a. Vacuum
b. Water
c. The speed of light is the same in both

10. What wave-like property of light causes it to bend when encountering an opening?
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Diffraction
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Light as a Wave page at

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