Earth Science: Global Warming

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Global Warming.

1. Which of the following best describes global warming?
a. The current temperatures on Earth
b. The weather during the summer
c. The increase in the average temperatures on Earth
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

2. Which result of global warming could upset the food chain and put some animals species in danger of extinction?
a. Glaciers melting
b. Rising ocean levels
c. Changes in animal migrations
d. Extreme weather
e. Change in ecosystems

3. What biome is likely to expand if global temperatures increase?
a. Rainforest
b. Tundra
c. Temperate forest
d. Desert
e. Grasslands

4. Which of the following can impact the global climate?
a. Volcanic eruptions
b. Solar activity
c. Greenhouse gases
d. Natural fluctuations of the planet
e. All of the above

5. What greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere from gasoline burning cars?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Water vapor
c. Oxygen
d. Ozone
e. Chlorofluorocarbons

6. Where does the energy that keeps the surface of the Earth warm come from?
a. Fossil fuels
b. The sun
c. The spin of the Earth
d. Friction of the Earth's atmosphere
e. The moon

7. True or False: A reduction in the overall average temperature of the Earth of 5 degrees C could cause an ice age.

8. Which of the following causes of global warming can be affected by human behavior?
a. Volcanic eruptions
b. Solar activity
c. Greenhouse gases
d. Natural fluctuations of the planet
e. All of the above

9. What determines your 'carbon footprint'?
a. How much trash you produce throughout a year
b. The type of food you eat
c. How much exercise
d. How much carbon dioxide your activities release into the air
e. The size of shoe you wear

10. Which of the following is an example of a renewable energy source?
a. Gasoline
b. Solar power
c. Coal
d. Fossil fuels
e. All of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Global Warming page at

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