Chemistry: Crystals

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Chemistry: Crystals.

1. What state or phase of material are crystals?
a. Gas
b. Plasma
c. Liquid
d. Solid
e. All of the Above

2. Which of the following best describes a crystal?
a. Molecules fit together in a random pattern
b. Molecules fit together in a repeating pattern
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

3. Which of the following is a way that crystals can form in nature?
a. When liquids cool and start to harden
b. When magma cools
c. When water evaporates from a mixture
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

4. What is crystallization?
a. When crystals melt into liquid
b. The formation of solids in the form of random molecules
c. The formation of crystals
d. When crystals dissolve in a solution

5. What are the flat surfaces on crystals called?
a. Facets
b. Lattices
c. Quartz
d. Plateaus
e. Smooth

6. Which of the following is not one of the seven basic crystal shapes?
a. Cubic
b. Trigonal
c. Hexagonal
d. Monoclinic
e. Pentagonal

7. What type of crystal is the hardest substance found on Earth?
a. Quartz
b. Garnet
c. Amethyst
d. Diamond
e. Jasper

8. What type of crystals are used for timing in watches and electronics?
a. Quartz
b. Garnet
c. Amethyst
d. Diamond
e. Jasper

9. What are the seven basic shapes formed by crystals called?
a. Facets
b. Lattices
c. Quartz
d. Shapelets
e. Formations

10. What type of crystals are formed in clouds when water freezes?
a. Quartz
b. Garnet
c. Snowflakes
d. Diamond
e. Amethyst

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Chemistry: Crystals page at

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