Earth Science: Carbon Cycle

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Carbon Cycle.

1. Why is carbon such an important element?
a. Because carbon is a key element in producing electricity
b. Because without carbon the Sun would run out of energy
c. Because carbon is the central element to all living organisms
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

2. What are processes that remove carbon from the atmosphere called?
a. Sources
b. Cycles
c. Carbonates
d. Sinks
e. Filters

3. What are processes that add carbon to the atmosphere called?
a. Sources
b. Cycles
c. Carbonates
d. Sinks
e. Filters

4. Which part of the carbon cycle involves animals breathing in oxygen and out carbon dioxide?
a. Photosynthesis
b. The oceans
c. Respiration
d. Decay
e. Combustion

5. Which part of the carbon cycle occurs when plants or animals die?
a. Photosynthesis
b. The oceans
c. Respiration
d. Decay
e. Combustion

6. Which part of the carbon cycle occurs when plants convert sunlight and C02 into oxygen and sugar?
a. Photosynthesis
b. The oceans
c. Respiration
d. Decay
e. Combustion

7. Which part of the carbon cycle occurs when plants, trees, or fossil fuels are burned?
a. Photosynthesis
b. The oceans
c. Respiration
d. Decay
e. Combustion

8. Which part of the carbon cycle involves sea creatures using carbonic acid to make their shells?
a. Photosynthesis
b. The oceans
c. Respiration
d. Decay
e. Combustion

9. True or False: Some carbon is needed in the atmosphere to keep the Earth warm.

10. How has man influenced the carbon cycle and increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere?
a. Burning coal
b. Cutting down trees
c. Burning oil
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Carbon Cycle page at

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