World War I - Fourteen Points

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
World War I - Fourteen Points.

1. What United States president issued the Fourteen Points?
a. John F. Kennedy
b. Theodore Roosevelt
c. Woodrow Wilson
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt
e. William Taft

2. What war did the Fourteen Points address?
a. World War II
b. Civil War
c. Hundred Year's War
d. World War I
e. Cold War

3. What was the purpose of the Fourteen Points?
a. To outline a strategy to end the war
b. To set goals the United State wanted to achieve by fighting in the war
c. To prepare way to maintain peace after the war
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. What group did the Fourteen Points want to create to maintain peace and protect all countries?
a. Peace Corps
b. League of Nations
d. United Nations
e. Warsaw Pact

5. True or False: The French disagreed with the Fourteen Points and wanted harsh reparations placed on Germany.

6. Which of the following countries is mentioned in the Fourteen Points?
a. France
b. Russia
c. Belgium
d. Italy
e. All of the above

7. Which of the following countries is not mentioned in the Fourteen Points?
a. Germany
b. Austria-Hungary
c. Poland
d. Japan
e. All of the above

8. What does the Fourteen Points say should happen to Poland?
a. It should be part of Germany
b. It should be part of Russia
c. It should be an independent country
d. It should be part of Austria-Hungary
e. Poland is not mentioned in the Fourteen Points

9. True or False: All of the leaders of the Allied Powers issued their own list of goals for ending the war.

10. What type of agreements between countries did the Fourteen Points say should come to an end?
a. Peace treaties
b. Trade agreements
c. Travel agreements
d. Alliances
e. Secret agreements

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the World War I - Fourteen Points page at

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