US Government - Two Party System

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
US Government - Two Party System.

1. What are the two most powerful political parties in the United States?
a. Libertarian and Green
b. Libertarian and Republican
c. Labour and Unionist
d. Republican and Democrat
e. Independent and Constitution

2. What is the election called where the parties select their candidates?
a. Initial
b. Primary
c. First round
d. Secondary
e. Preliminary

3. What is the symbol of the Democratic Party?
a. Donkey
b. Horse
c. Lion
d. Tiger
e. Elephant

4. What is the symbol of the Republican Party?
a. Donkey
b. Horse
c. Lion
d. Tiger
e. Elephant

5. Which of the two main parties is associated with bigger government and higher taxes?
a. Republican
b. Democrat

6. Which of the following words is often used to describe members of the Republican Party?
a. Liberal
b. Progressive
c. Conservative
d. Communist
e. Socialist

7. Which of the following parties once had a position of power in the U.S. government?
a. Green
b. Libertarian
c. Constitution
d. Whig

8. Which party is considered 'left wing'?
a. Republican
b. Democrat

9. Which party is considered 'right wing'?
a. Republican
b. Democrat

10. What political party did George Washington belong to?
a. Whig
b. Federalist
c. Democrat
d. Tory
e. He didn't belong to a political party

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the US Government - Two Party System page at /history/us_government/two-party_system.php.

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