US Government - Fifth Amendment

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
US Government - Fifth Amendment.

1. What is it called when a person cannot be tried for the same crime more than once?
a. Taking the fifth
b. Miranda warning
c. Double Jeopardy
d. Due process
e. Eminent domain

2. What does 'due process' mean?
a. That someone doesn't have to testify against themselves
b. That people must be read their rights
c. That people have the right to a fair trial
d. That the government can't take your property without paying a fair price for it
e. That you can't be tried for the same crime twice

3. What is the statement called that police have to tell people before they are questioned?
a. Taking the fifth
b. Miranda warning
c. Double Jeopardy
d. Due process
e. Eminent domain

4. What does 'taking the fifth' mean?
a. That someone doesn't have to testify against themselves
b. That people must be read their rights
c. That people have the right to a fair trial
d. That the government can't take your property without paying a fair price for it
e. That you can't be tried for the same crime twice

5. What is it called when the government can take your property, but they must pay a fair price for it?
a. Taking the fifth
b. Miranda warning
c. Double Jeopardy
d. Due process
e. Eminent domain

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the US Government - Fifth Amendment page at /history/us_government/fifth_amendment.php.

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