The Great Depression - End and Legacy

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
The Great Depression - End and Legacy.

1. What major war do many historians credit with ending the Great Depression?
a. Civil War
b. World War II
c. Vietnam War
d. Cold War
e. World War I

2. According to the article, which of the following helped to end the Great Depression?
a. New Deal programs
b. New regulations
c. New banking system
d. End of the drought
e. All of the above

3. What series of laws passed during the Great Depression changed the American government forever?
a. Intolerable Acts
b. Constitution
c. Bill of Rights
d. New Deal
e. Civil Rights Acts

4. What law provided retirement for the elderly through a payroll tax?
a. Agricultural Act
b. Banking Act
c. Social Security Act
d. Labor Relations Act
e. Soil Conservation Act

5. True or False: Some people felt that the Great Depression made the country stronger.

6. What did the Works Progress Administration build?
a. Schools
b. Roads
c. Parks
d. Libraries
e. All of the above

7. Around how many trees did the CCC plant during the Great Depression?
a. 100,000
b. 1 million
c. 5 million
d. 100 million
e. Over 3 billion

8. What type of insurance keeps your money in the bank safe?
b. Automobile
c. Home
d. Life
e. WPA

9. True or False: Most people began to buy goods on credit again right after the Great Depression ended.

10. What law set the forty hour work week and a minimum wage?
a. Social Security Act
b. Bill of Rights
c. Fair Labor Standards Act
d. Banking Act
e. Soil Conservation Act

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the The Great Depression - End and Legacy page at /history/us_1900s/end_of_the_great_depression.php.

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