Inca Empire - Religion

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Inca Empire - Religion.

1. What were the three realms where the gods of the Inca lived?
a. Earth, wind, sky
b. Fire, water, air
c. Sky, inner earth, outer earth
d. Sun, moon, stars
e. Sun, earth, ocean

2. Which Inca god was the goddess of Earth and responsible for the harvest and farming?
a. Inti
b. Mama Quilla
c. Pachamama
d. Viracocha
e. Supay

3. Which Inca god was the god of death and ruler of the underworld?
a. Inti
b. Mama Quilla
c. Pachamama
d. Viracocha
e. Supay

4. Which Inca god was the most important of their gods and the god of the sun?
a. Inti
b. Mama Quilla
c. Pachamama
d. Viracocha
e. Supay

5. Who did the Inca parade through the streets during the Festival of the Dead?
a. Slaves that would be sacrificed
b. The mummified dead emperors
c. Nobles who had committed crimes
d. Any person over the age of 40
e. Soldiers who had killed enemies in battle

6. In what Inca city was the important temple of Coricancha located?
a. Machu Picchu
b. Inca Pisac
c. Winay Wayna
d. Moray
e. Cuzco

7. According to Inca mythology, what did the dead who were sent to the underworld eat?
a. Bread and water
b. Vegetables
c. Chocolate
d. Rocks
e. Nothing

8. What were huacas?
a. Priests who served the gods in the temples
b. Gods who ruled in the underworld
c. Sacred places or objects that were inhabited by spirits
d. Different levels of the Inca heavens
e. Tribes that did not follow the Inca religion

9. Why did the Inca people worship the mountains and consider them sacred?
a. Because goats lived on the mountains
b. Because they believed them to be the source of water
c. Because the air became so thin near the top
d. Because they were the home to the gods
e. None of the above

10. Who was said to be a descendent of the god Inti?
a. High Priest
b. Slaves
c. Artisans
d. Farmers
e. Emperor

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Inca Empire - Religion page at

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