French Revolution - Estates General

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
French Revolution - Estates General.

1. Who was King of France when the French Revolution began?
a. King James I
b. King Henry VIII
c. Napoleon
d. King Louis XVI
e. King George V

2. Which of the following best describes the First Estate?
a. Nobility
b. Majority of the population
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. They held most of the high offices in the land

3. Which of the following best describes the Second Estate?
a. Nobility
b. Majority of the population
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. They paid the labor tax and the salt tax

4. Which of the following best describes the Third Estate?
a. Nobility
b. The smallest of the estates
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. Didn't have to pay most of the taxes

5. Why did the king call the Estates General to meet in 1789?
a. To discuss creating a democracy
b. To discuss the financial problems of the French government
c. To declare war on Great Britain
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

6. Which of the following best describes the Estates General?
a. The region in Paris where the middle class lived
b. Powerful nobles that advised the king of France
c. A number of large homes owned by the French nobility
d. High ranking officials that ran the French government
e. The legislative body of France before the French Revolution that had little real power

7. True or False: According to French law, the Estates General met once a month to discuss issues with the king.

8. After being called together, what did the Estates General argue about before the Third Estate broke away?
a. Where the king would sit
b. Which estate would sit in front
c. How to lower France's debt
d. How to vote
e. What to have for lunch

9. Which of the French estates formed the National Assembly and began running the country?
a. First Estate
b. Second Estate
c. Third Estate
d. Lower Estate
e. Upper Estate

10. Where did the National Assembly meet after the king closed their regular meeting place?
a. At a tennis court
b. At a local pub
c. At a restaurant
d. At a member's house
e. At the market square

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the French Revolution - Estates General page at

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