Ancient China - Literature

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient China - Literature.

1. What philosophy did the Four Books and Five Classics describe?
a. Communism
b. Socialism
c. Capitalism
d. Confucianism
e. Idealism

2. What famous book did the Ancient Chinese use to determine the future?
a. Spring and Autumn Annals
b. I Ching
c. Great Learning
d. Analects
e. Doctrine of Mean

3. Which book contains a number of speeches by Confucius written down by his disciples?
a. Spring and Autumn Annals
b. I Ching
c. Great Learning
d. Analects
e. Doctrine of Mean

4. How many traditional 'Great Classic Novels' of Ancient China are there?
a. 1
b. 4
c. 10
d. 14
e. 28

5. Which novel tells the story of 108 outlaws who band together to do good?
a. Water Margin
b. Romance of the Three Kingdoms
c. Journey to the West
d. Dream of the Red Chamber
e. None of the above

6. Which novel tells the adventures of a Buddhist monk that travels to India to search for sacred books?
a. Water Margin
b. Romance of the Three Kingdoms
c. Journey to the West
d. Dream of the Red Chamber
e. All of the above

7. True or False: Most educated people of Ancient China studied and wrote poetry.

8. What book written by Sima Qian is considered one of the great history books of all time?
a. Water Margin
b. Doctrine of Mean
c. Records of the Grand Historian
d. Nineteen Old Poems
e. I Ching

9. What invention helped to spread literature throughout Ancient China?
a. Paper
b. Woodblock printing
c. Movable type
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

10. What famous military book was written by Sun Tzu?
a. Spring and Autumn Annals
b. Analects
c. Songs of the South
d. Bamboo Annals
e. Art of War

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient China - Literature page at /history/china/literature.php.

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