Chinese Art

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Chinese Art.

1. What three forms of Ancient Chinese art made up the three perfections?
a. Sculpture, lacquer, and drawing
b. Writing, poetry, and sculpture
c. Calligraphy, poetry, and painting
d. Painting, sculpture, and calligraphy
e. Ceramics, poetry, and painting

2. What is the art of handwriting called?
a. Poetry
b. Calligraphy
c. Cursive
d. Word art
e. Literature

3. True or False: In Ancient China, only specially trained poets were allowed to write poetry.

4. What famous artwork was made for burial of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China?
a. The Taj Mahal
b. The One Hundred Horses
c. The painting of The Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival
d. The Great Pyramid
e. The Terracotta Army

5. What Chinese dynasty was famous for its blue and white vases?
a. Ming
b. Tang
c. Yuan
d. Song
e. Shang

6. Which of the following is NOT true about the art of calligraphy?
a. There are over 40,000 characters to learn
b. The strokes of each character could be drawn in any order
c. It was considered one of the three perfections
d. It took years of practice to learn to do correctly
e. It was sometimes combined with poetry and painting

7. What did the Ancient Chinese use to help protect art from bugs and other damage?
a. Porcelain
b. Paper
c. Silk
d. Lacquer
e. Paint

8. What type of material did the Ancient Chinese sell to other countries while keeping how they made the material secret?
a. Cotton
b. Wool
c. Silk
d. Linen
e. Suede

9. What art became an important part of the civil service examinations during the Tang Dynasty?
a. Painting
b. Ceramics
c. Sculpture
d. Calligraphy
e. Poetry

10. True or False: Chinese philosophy and religion had a large influence on the subjects and the styles of art.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Chinese Art page at /history/china/chinese_art.php.

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