Monsters of Greek Mythology

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Monsters of Greek Mythology.

1. What are centaurs?
a. Flying creatures with the faces of women
b. Half-goat half-man creatures
c. One-eyed giants
d. Half-horse half-man creatures
e. Sea nymphs who sing a hypnotizing song

2. What monster had nine snake heads that would grow back if they were cut off?
a. Medusa
b. Hydra
c. Pegasus
d. Scylla
e. Typhon

3. What combination of animals made up the monster Chimera?
a. Goat, lion, and snake
b. Eagle, lion, and dog
c. Horse, human, and goat
d. Crow, tiger, and lizard
e. Lion, tiger, and bear

4. Which monster terrorized the city of Thebes killing anyone who could not solve its riddle?
a. Sirens
b. Minotaur
c. Medusa
d. Hydra
e. Sphinx

5. What special power did sirens use to lure sailors to crash upon the rocks of their island?
a. The illusion of piles of gold on their island
b. A powerful wind that blew all ships to their island
c. An irresistible song
d. The smell of delicious food that no one could resist
e. An invisible force that caused the currents of the ocean to move ships to their island

6. What two powerful monsters each guarded one side of the Strait of Messina?
a. Medusa and Minotaur
b. Scylla and Charibdis
c. Sphinx and Hydra
d. Cerberus and Chimera
e. Harpies and Griffins

7. Which description best describes the monster Cerberus?
a. A fire breathing monster made from a goat, snake, and lion
b. A woman with snakes for hair that turns people into stone
c. A half-goat half-man who loves to have a good time
d. A three-headed dog that guards the Underworld
e. A whirlpool that sinks ships to the bottom of the ocean

8. Which monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man lived in an underground maze called the Labyrinth?
a. Medusa
b. Typhon
c. Cyclops
d. Sphinx
e. Minotaur

9. What would happen to someone who looked into the eyes of Medusa?
a. They would be mesmerized and under her command
b. They would be burned up by flames
c. They would be turned into stone
d. They would fall in love with her
e. They would immediately grow old and die

10. Which monster was considered the father of all monsters?
a. Minotaur
b. Typhon
c. Scylla
d. Pegasus
e. Hydra

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Monsters of Greek Mythology page at /history/ancient_greece/monsters_and_creatures_of_greek_mythology.php.

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