Ancient Egypt - Late Period

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Egypt - Late Period.

1. Around how long did the Late Period of Ancient Egypt last?
a. 10 years
b. 50 years
c. 75 years
d. 125 years
e. Over 500 years

2. What do historians call the time period before the Late Period?
a. Early Dynastic Period
b. Roman Period
c. Third Intermediate Period
d. Greek Period
e. Middle Kingdom

3. What pharaoh united Egypt and began the Late Period of Ancient Egypt?
a. Psamtik II
b. Mentuhotep II
c. Ahmose I
d. Tutankhamen
e. Cleopatra VII

4. What Egyptian dynasty ruled during the Late Period of Ancient Egypt?
a. Second
b. Ninth
c. Fourteenth
d. Eighteenth
e. Twenty-sixth

5. True or False: The pharaohs of the Late Period hoped to return Egypt to its former glory.

6. What empire invaded Egypt and took control in 525 BC?
a. Roman Empire
b. Greek Empire
c. Babylonian Empire
d. Persian Empire
e. Empire of Ghana

7. What Persian king built new temples in Egypt and presented himself like a pharaoh?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Alexander the Great
c. Genghis Khan
d. Darius I
e. Xerxes

8. What leader invaded Egypt in 332 BC bringing an end to Persian rule?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Alexander the Great
c. Genghis Khan
d. Darius I
e. Xerxes

9. What do historians call the time period that occurred right after the Late Period?
a. Next Period
b. New Kingdom
c. Third Intermediate Period
d. Achaemenid Period
e. Ottoman Period

10. Egypt was considered a province of the Persian Empire. What was the term used for a Persian province?
a. Dynasty
b. Colony
c. Satrapy
d. State
e. Republic

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Egypt - Late Period page at /history/ancient_egypt/late_period_and_persian_rule.php.

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