Ancient Egypt - Hieroglyphic Examples

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Egypt - Hieroglyphic Examples.

1. What does a symbol represent in Egyptian hieroglyphics?
a. Word
b. Sound
c. Syllable
d. Concept
e. All of the above

2. What is another name for a symbol that represents a word?
a. Letter
b. Ideogram
c. Phonogram
d. Determinative
e. Number

3. What is another name for a symbol that represents a concept?
a. Letter
b. Ideogram
c. Phonogram
d. Determinative
e. Number

4. What number does a single line represent in Egyptian hieroglyphics?
a. One
b. Two
c. Ten
d. One hundred
e. One thousand

5. What symbol represents the number 10,000?
a. A straight line
b. A heal bone
c. A bent finger
d. A frog
e. The god Heh

6. True or False: Symbols could have different meanings depending on how they were used.

7. What are phonograms?
a. Symbols that represent a sound
b. Symbols that represent a concept
c. Symbols that represent a number
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

8. What symbol was used in Egyptian hieroglyphics to make a word plural?
a. The letter 'S'
b. A picture of a man
c. A picture of the sun
d. Three lines
e. Two diagonal lines

9. What symbol was used to represent addition in math?
a. The plus sign '+'
b. A frog
c. Legs walking
d. A bird
e. A snake

10. What did the Ancient Egyptians call their writing?
a. Hieroglyphics
b. The language of the gods
c. The words of man
d. Wall art
e. Confusing Symbols

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Egypt - Hieroglyphic Examples page at /history/ancient_egypt/hieroglyphics_examples_alphabet.php.

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