Book of the Dead

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Book of the Dead.

1. Which of the following best describes the Book of the Dead?
a. A book recording all of the people who died in Ancient Egypt
b. A religious book describing the origins of the Egyptian gods
c. A giant book that the pharaoh carried around
d. A collection of spells to help people in the afterlife
e. A famous horror story that was enjoyed by all Egyptians

2. Around how many chapters were considered part of the Book of the Dead?
a. 3
b. 12
c. 24
d. 50
e. 190

3. When did scribes first start to write down the chapters on papyrus?
a. 3000 BC
b. 1600 BC
c. 900 BC
d. 200 BC
e. 600 AD

4. True or false: Most people in Ancient Egypt wanted to have some of the spells of the Book of the Dead buried with them.

5. Which of the following were spells from the Book of the Dead?
a. Taking the shape of a crocodile
b. Fighting against snakes
c. Preventing a person from having to work in the afterlife
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

6. What was the subject of chapter 125?
a. A spell used on the day a person was buried
b. A spell used to help the person get drinking water
c. The judgment of a person by the god Osiris
d. A hymn to the god Osiris
e. The passing through a cave to the heavens

7. True or false: All versions of the Book of the Dead are exactly the same.

8. Why did people want a Book of the Dead in the afterlife?
a. To help protect them from demons
b. To give them special powers in the underworld
c. To help win them a place in the heavens
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

9. What was weighed against the truth or the feather of Maat during the judging of the soul?
a. The mummy
b. The lungs
c. The brain
d. All the gold in the tomb
e. The heart

10. True or false: The Book of the Dead was expensive for people to buy in Ancient Egypt.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Book of the Dead page at /history/ancient_egypt/book_of_the_dead.php.

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