American Revolution - Articles of Confederation

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
American Revolution - Articles of Confederation.

1. What were the Articles of Confederation?
a. A newsletter for the American colonies
b. A set of British laws to tax the American colonies
c. The first constitution of the United States
d. An almanac written by Ben Franklin
e. A book telling true stories of the American Revolution

2. Who was the primary author of the Articles of Confederation?
a. John Dickinson
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. James Madison
d. John Adams
e. Samuel Adams

3. What was the first state to ratify the articles?
a. Massachusetts
b. Virginia
c. Pennsylvania
d. Georgia
e. Rhode Island

4. What was the last state to ratify the articles?
a. Connecticut
b. Delaware
c. North Carolina
d. Maryland
e. New York

5. How many articles were there in the document?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 12
e. 13

6. What group wrote and passed the Articles of Confederation?
a. Senate
b. Second Continental Congress
c. House of Representatives
d. Colonial Parliament
e. First Continental Congress

7. How many votes in Congress did each state have under the Articles of Confederation?
a. 1
b. 2
c. Based on geographical size of the state
d. Based on the population of the state
e. Based on the amount of taxes a state paid

8. Which of the following was a weakness of the articles?
a. No way to enforce laws passed by Congress
b. No way to raise money through taxes
c. No national court system
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

9. What document replaced the Articles of Confederation in 1788?
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Magna Carta
c. U.S. Constitution
d. Third Articles of Confederation
e. Emancipation Proclamation

10. What country did the articles allow to join the union of states if it wanted to?
a. Britain
b. Canada
c. Mexico
d. Spain
e. Cuba

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the American Revolution - Articles of Confederation page at /history/american_revolution/articles_of_confederation.php.

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