Ancient Africa - Daily Life

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Africa - Daily Life.

1. What was the occupation of most people living in Ancient Africa?
a. Soldier
b. Trader
c. Slave
d. Farmer
e. Artisan

2. What occupation moved goods across the Sahara Desert using caravans of camels?
a. Soldier
b. Trader
c. Slave
d. Farmer
e. Artisan

3. What people were sometimes thought to have magical powers?
a. Soldiers
b. Traders
c. Slaves
d. Farmers
e. Artisans

4. What type of home did the typical person in Ancient Africa live in?
a. Teepee
b. Thatched hut
c. A long wooden house
d. Stone castle
e. They didn't have homes

5. These people were often captured in war or committed crimes.
a. Soldiers
b. Traders
c. Slaves
d. Farmers
e. Artisans

6. True or False: Most homes in Ancient Africa had several rooms including a kitchen, bedrooms, and a playroom for the kids.

7. These workers kept the peace and maintained power for the emperor.
a. Soldiers
b. Traders
c. Slaves
d. Farmers
e. Artisans

8. Which of the following was a staple food grown in Ancient Africa?
a. Yams
b. Maize
c. Rice
d. Wheat
e. All of the above

9. What was a griot?
a. A governor of a province
b. A musician and storyteller
c. A slave trader
d. A high ranking Islamic leader
e. An iron worker

10. True or False: Most people in Ancient Africa wore little or no clothing.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Africa - Daily Life page at /history/africa/daily_life_in_ancient_africa.php.

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