George H. W. Bush

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
George H. W. Bush.

1. George H. W. Bush was the _______ President of the United States.
a. Thirty-seventh
b. Thirty-eighth
c. Thirty-ninth
d. Fortieth
e. Forty-first

2. Who was George H. W. Bush's wife?
a. Barbara Pierce
b. Patricia Ryan
c. Elizabeth Bloomer
d. Rosalynn Smith
e. Nancy Davis

3. Who was the Vice President of the United States under George H. W. Bush?
a. Dan Quayle
b. George Bush
c. Nelson Rockefeller
d. Walter Mondale
e. Spiro Agnew and Gerald Ford

4. What was President George H. W. Bush's nickname?
a. The Great Communicator
b. Poppy
c. Tricky Dick
d. Jerry
e. Jimmy

5. Where was President George H. W. Bush born?
a. Georgia
b. Illinois
c. Massachusetts
d. California
e. Nebraska

6. During what war did George H. W. Bush fight as a pilot in the Navy?
a. Korean War
b. Vietnam War
c. Iraq War
d. World War II
e. Afghanistan War

7. What political position did George H. W. Bush hold before becoming President of the United States?
a. Director of the CIA
b. Member of the House of Representatives
c. Vice President
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

8. What country did the U.S. invade while George H. W. Bush was president in order capture Manuel Noriega?
a. Columbia
b. Cuba
c. Kuwait
d. Saudi Arabia
e. Panama

9. What war did the United States fight while George H. W. Bush was President of the United States?
a. Korean War
b. Vietnam War
c. Gulf War
d. World War II
e. Afghanistan War

10. True or False: George H. W. Bush had one son who became President of the United States and another who became governor of Florida.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the George H. W. Bush page at

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