Calvin Coolidge

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Calvin Coolidge.

1. Calvin Coolidge was the _______ President of the United States.
a. Twenty-seventh
b. Twenty-eighth
c. Twenty-ninth
d. Thirtieth
e. Thirty-first

2. Who was Calvin Coolidge's wife?
a. Lou Henry
b. Helen Herron
c. Ellen Louise Axson and Edith Bolling Galt
d. Florence Kling
e. Grace Anna Goodhue

3. Who was the Vice President of the United States under Calvin Coolidge?
a. Charles Gates Dawes
b. Charles Curtis
c. James Schoolcraft Sherman
d. Thomas Riley Marshall
e. Calvin Coolidge

4. What was President Calvin Coolidge's nickname?
a. Wobbly Warren
b. Silent Cal
c. The Great Engineer
d. Big Bill
e. Professor

5. Where was President Calvin Coolidge born?
a. Virginia
b. New York
c. Ohio
d. Iowa
e. Vermont

6. Calvin Coolidge was the governor of what state?
a. Virginia
b. New York
c. Massachusetts
d. Iowa
e. Vermont

7. Calvin Coolidge became President of the United States after what president died in office?
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. Theodore Roosevelt
c. William Taft
d. Warren G. Harding
e. Herbert Hoover

8. What was the name given to the time period that Calvin Coolidge was President of the United States?
a. Great Depression
b. Roaring Twenties
c. Industrial Revolution
d. Reconstruction
e. Gilded Age

9. Which of the following words best describes President Calvin Coolidge's personality?
a. Quiet
b. Wild
c. Outgoing
d. Talkative
e. Aggressive

10. What slogan did Calvin Coolidge use when running for President of the United States?
a. Peace, Prosperity, and Coolidge
b. Coolidge, for the Future
c. It's Morning Again in America
d. Return to Normalcy
e. Keep Cool with Coolidge

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Calvin Coolidge page at

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