Stephen Hawking

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Stephen Hawking.

1. Where was Stephen Hawking born?
a. Germany
b. France
c. United States
d. United Kingdom
e. Ireland

2. Which of the following best describes Stephen Hawking's childhood?
a. He was an orphan who was adopted by English royalty and became part of the Royal Family
b. His family was poor and Stephen had to work rather than attend school
c. His parents were highly educated and Stephen found school rather easy
d. He struggled in school due to a learning disability
e. He spent much of his youth working on his father?s farm and learned from reading books

3. What disease was Stephen Hawking diagnosed with while attending Cambridge?
a. Diabetes
b. Heart disease
c. Alzheimer?s disease
d. Cancer
e. ALS

4. Stephen Hawking was considered an expert on what type of celestial body?
a. Black holes
b. Stars
c. Supernovas
d. Galaxies
e. Comets

5. What is Hawking Radiation?
a. Radiation used to see inside planets
b. Radiation that causes time dilation and may be used for space travel
c. Radiation emitted from black holes
d. Radiation left over from the explosion of a nuclear weapon
e. Radiation caused by the fusion of Hawking molecules

6. True or False: Once Stephen Hawking became confined to a wheelchair, he was no longer able to communicate or work on his theories.

7. What was the name of Stephen Hawking's best-selling book?
a. There's No Place Like Space
b. Guide to the Universe
c. Quantum Dynamics
d. Explaining Einstein
e. A Brief History in Time

8. According to Hawking Radiation, which of the following is true?
a. Black holes can get smaller
b. Black holes can only get bigger
c. Black holes always stay the same size

9. What is the only equation Stephen Hawking used in his book A Brief History in Time?
a. F=ma
b. V=IR
c. x=y
d. E=mc2
e. a2 + b2 = c2

10. What nickname did Stephen Hawking earn in school?
a. Brainiac
b. Newton
c. The Hawk
d. Boy Wonder
e. Einstein

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Stephen Hawking page at

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