Maximilien Robespierre

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Maximilien Robespierre.

1. Maximilien Robespierre is famous for his role in what major world event?
a. World War I
b. World War II
c. American Revolution
d. French Revolution
e. Boer War

2. What did Maximilien Robespierre study while attending school in Paris?
a. Medicine
b. Law
c. Engineering
d. Painting
e. He did not attend school because he came from a poor family

3. Robespierre attended the Estates-General as an elected member from what Estate?
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. He represented all the Estates
e. He didn't represent any Estate

4. What people did Robespierre advocate for while he was a lawyer and at the Estates-General?
a. Aristocrats
b. Clergy
c. Royal Family
d. Commoners
e. None of the above

5. What group formed when the Third Estate broke away from the Estates-General?
a. National Assembly
b. French Parliament
c. Directory
d. Council of Ancients
e. French Commune

6. What political club did Robespierre join and eventually become the leader of?
a. Cordeliers
b. Girondins
c. Enrages
d. Feuillants
e. Jacobins

7. Robespierre became the most powerful man in France when he became the leader of what group?
a. Directory
b. Council of Ancients
c. Committee of Public Safety
d. French Parliament
e. Council of the Revolution

8. Which of the following best describes France under the Reign of Terror?
a. A time of freedom of speech and the press
b. A time when people were free to voice their opinions
c. A time of open discourse as to the future of the French government
d. A time when anyone against the government was killed or put in jail
e. A time of peace and prosperity

9. How did Robespierre die?
a. He was killed in battle while attacking the king's palace
b. He was executed by guillotine
c. He committed suicide when guards came to arrest him
d. He died of old age after years of serving the French government
e. He was killed fighting for France in the Napoleonic Wars

10. Which of the following statements is true about Robespierre?
a. He had people killed for the suspicion of not supporting the revolution
b. He was against the Catholic Church
c. He helped to get slavery abolished in France
d. He established a new religion called the Cult of the Supreme Being
e. All of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Maximilien Robespierre page at

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