Robert Fulton

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Robert Fulton.

1. Where was Robert Fulton born?
a. New York
b. Missouri
c. Mississippi
d. Georgia
e. Pennsylvania

2. Robert Fulton served as an apprentice for what trade?
a. Candlemaker
b. Silversmith
c. Wheelwright
d. Printer
e. Electrician

3. Robert Fulton moved to Philadelphia to pursue a career in what field?
a. Politics
b. Music
c. Art
d. Printing
e. Engineering

4. Which of the following best describes Robert Fulton's time in Europe?
a. He became one of the most famous artists in Paris
b. He lost his fortune and became homeless for a while
c. He learned a lot about politics and decided he wanted to become a politician
d. He became interested in science and invention
e. All of the above

5. What was the Nautilus?
a. The first practical steam ship invented by Robert Fulton
b. The name of a canal where Robert Fulton tested many of his inventions
c. The ship that Robert Fulton used to travel to Europe
d. Robert Fulton's favorite horse
e. The first practical submarine invented by Robert Fulton

6. What famous European leader promised to pay Robert Fulton after he sunk a British ship?
a. Napoleon
b. Kaiser Wilhelm II
c. Queen Victoria
d. Peter the Great
e. Charles V

7. Why did it take two years for Robert Fulton to bring a steam engine to the United States?
a. Because he took a break from the steam engine and worked on his art
b. Because he could not find a ship big enough to transport the engine
c. Because the British government did not want the technology to leave the country
d. Because he had to bring the steam engine over in separate pieces
e. Because the United States government did not want steam engines in the country

8. What is Robert Fulton most famous for?
a. Inventing the cotton gin
b. Discovering the Theory of Relativity
c. Inventing the first commercially successful steamboat
d. For mass producing affordable automobiles
e. Producing the first reliable light bulb

9. True or False: Robert Fulton invented the first steam engine as well as the first steamboat.

10. On what River did Robert Fulton first begin to operate his first steamboat?
a. Colorado River
b. Ohio River
c. Red River
d. Hudson River
e. Tennessee River

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Robert Fulton page at

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