Malcolm X

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Malcolm X.

1. Where was Malcolm X born?
a. New York, New York
b. Omaha, Nebraska
c. Chicago, Illinois
d. Detroit, Michigan
e. Des Moines, Iowa

2. What happened to Malcolm X when he was six years old that shaped much of his life?
a. His father was found dead
b. He won the school spelling bee
c. He converted to the religion of Islam
d. He first played baseball
e. He contracted the disease polio

3. Which of the following best describes Malcolm X's childhood?
a. He moved a lot because his father was in the military
b. His family was poor and he often went hungry
c. He spent much of his childhood playing piano in his family's band
d. He attended the best private schools because his family was very wealthy
e. He lived on the streets because he was an orphan

4. What was Malcolm X's birth name?
a. Malcolm X
b. Malcolm Xerxes
c. William Xavier
d. William Little
e. Malcolm Little

5. What religion did Malcolm X turn to while in prison?
a. Christianity
b. Buddhism
c. Hinduism
d. Nation of Islam
e. Confucianism

6. True or False: While a member of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X was skeptical of the peaceful protests of Martin Luther King, Jr.

7. Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam after speaking out in public about what world event?
a. The Bay of Pigs
b. The attack on Pearl Harbor
c. The beginning of the Vietnam War
d. The Cuban Missile Crisis
e. The assassination of President Kennedy

8. What event in Malcolm X's life caused him to change his tactics and begin to work with Martin Luther King, Jr. on a peaceful approach to equal rights?
a. The death of his mother
b. A pilgrimage to Mecca
c. The March on Washington
d. A near death experience
e. The assassination of President Kennedy

9. How did Malcolm X die?
a. He was gunned down by members of the Nation of Islam
b. He died from cancer
c. He killed himself in protest to being arrested
d. He had a heart attack while giving a speech
e. He died from pneumonia at a very old age

10. What famous athlete was also a member of the Nation of Islam?
a. Joe Foreman
b. Babe Ruth
c. Muhammad Ali
d. Michael Jordan
e. Jackie Robinson

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Malcolm X page at

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