Isaac Newton

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Isaac Newton.

1. Where was Isaac Newton born?
a. United States
b. Canada
c. Germany
d. England
e. France

2. Isaac Newton's mother tried to take him out of school to pursue what career?
a. Blacksmith
b. Farmer
c. Coal Miner
d. Silversmith
e. Priest

3. Isaac Newton spent much of his life at what university?
a. MIT
b. Stanford
c. Oxford
d. Harvard
e. Cambridge

4. Why did Isaac Newton spend two years in isolation at his home in Woolsthorpe?
a. He was avoiding the Great Plague
b. He was recovering from a broken heart
c. He was avoiding being drafted into the army
d. He was hiding from the government
e. He had nowhere else to go and people didn't like him

5. What was the name of the writings that make up Isaac Newton's most famous work?
a. Relativity: The Special and General Theory
b. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
c. The Double Helix
d. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
e. A Brief History of Time

6. Isaac Newton is often given credit for inventing a new type of math he called fluxions. What do we call this type of mathematics today?
a. Algebra
b. Geometry
c. Calculus
d. Statistics
e. Number theory

7. What scientific theory of Isaac Newton's is said to have been inspired by an apple falling from a tree?
a. Law of special relativity
b. First Law of Motion
c. Second Law of Motion
d. Third Law of Motion
e. Law of universal gravitation

8. What type of telescope did Isaac Newton invent?
a. Gravitational
b. Reflecting
c. Electronic
d. Refracting
e. Magnifying

9. Which of the following was an Isaac Newton discovery that helped to lay the foundation for classical mechanics?
a. Theory of General Relativity
b. Quantum Theory
c. First Law of Dynamics
d. Three Laws of Motion
e. Law of Mechanical Ebb and Flow

10. Which of the following is true about Isaac Newton?
a. He was elected to Parliament
b. He was elected the President of the Royal Society
c. He was appointed warden of the Royal Mint
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Isaac Newton page at

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