Galileo Galilei

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Galileo Galilei.

1. Where was Galileo born?
a. France
b. England
c. Italy
d. Germany
e. Greece

2. What subject did Galileo plan to study when he first went to university?
a. Medicine
b. Science
c. Art
d. Music
e. History

3. What scientific observation did Galileo make while watching a lamp hanging in a cathedral?
a. That the light from the lamp traveled at a constant speed
b. That no matter how far the lamp swung, it took the same amount of time swing back
c. That the candles in the lamp would last longer during overcast days
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. By creating experiments to test scientific theories in the real world, Galileo began to lay the foundation for what process?
a. Assembly line
b. Classification
c. Physical therapy
d. Scientific method
e. Chemical balance

5. If you drop two items of different weights from the same height, which will land first?
a. The heavier item will land first
b. The lighter item will land first
c. They both land at the same time

6. What famous scientist is credited with the idea that the Sun was the center of the Universe, not the Earth?
a. Galileo
b. Newton
c. Tesla
d. Archimedes
e. Copernicus

7. What device did Galileo improve upon in order to view planets?
a. Microscope
b. Thermometer
c. Telescope
d. Viewfinder
e. Radiometer

8. Galileo is credited with discovering four large moons around what planet?
a. Earth
b. Neptune
c. Venus
d. Jupiter
e. Mars

9. Why did the Catholic Church sentence Galileo to prison?
a. He said the Earth orbited the Sun
b. He proved that gravity existed
c. He discovered the Theory of Relativity
d. He protested against the church in public
e. He worshiped a different religion

10. From what famous landmark did Galileo perform his experiment of dropping things of different weights?
a. Eiffel Tower
b. Sistine Chapel
c. Roman Colosseum
d. Leaning Tower of Pisa
e. Arc de Triomphe

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Galileo Galilei page at

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