Emperor Qin

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Emperor Qin.

1. What is Emperor Qin most known for?
a. Defeating the Mongols and ousting Kublai Khan from China
b. Uniting China under one rule
c. Building the Forbidden City
d. Establishing trade on the Silk Road
e. Inventing the Printing Press

2. What was Emperor Qin's name prior to becoming Emperor?
a. Song
b. Huhai
c. Ming
d. Zheng
e. Huang

3. Which of the following best describes the political situation in China around the time Emperor Qin was born?
a. China was united under the Ming Dynasty
b. China was split into north and south
c. China was divided up into 7 major states
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. What major construction project did Emperor Qin begin during his reign?
a. The pyramids
b. The Great Buddha
c. The Forbidden City
d. The Grand Canal
e. The Great Wall of China

5. In what way did Emperor Qin help reform the economy of Ancient China?
a. He established uniform currency and measurements
b. He established a centralized bank
c. He established a welfare system to help the poor
d. He limited government interference in the economy
e. He only gave government positions to the rich

6. True or False: Emperor Qin insisted that each area of China maintain their own unique form of writing.

7. In what way was Emperor Qin a tyrant?
a. He ordered most existing books to be burned
b. He outlawed most forms of religion
c. He required people to be loyal only to the government
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

8. What is the name given to the large number of statues found in the famous tomb of Emperor Qin?
a. The Forbidden City
b. The People of Qin
c. The Terracotta Army
d. The Grand Statues of China
e. The Statues of the Tomb

9. What did Emperor Qin's second son do in order to become emperor?
a. Assassinated his father while he was asleep
b. Stabbed his brother to death
c. Poisoned his mother in order to prevent her from having more children
d. Faked his own death
e. Forged a letter ordering his brother to commit suicide

10. True or False: The Qin Empire ruled over China for over 1000 years after the death of Emperor Qin.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Emperor Qin page at www.ducksters.com/history/china/emperor_qin_shi_huang.php.

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