Cleopatra VII

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Cleopatra VII.

1. Cleopatra VII was the last _______ of Egypt.
a. King
b. Queen
c. Tsar
d. Pharaoh
e. Consul

2. What Egyptian dynasty was Cleopatra VII a part of?
a. Third Dynasty
b. Ptolemy Dynasty
c. Eighth Dynasty
d. Ninth Dynasty
e. Roman Dynasty

3. What Roman ruler helped Cleopatra VII regain control of Egypt from her younger brother?
a. Trajan
b. Marc Antony
c. Octavian
d. Gaius Marius
e. Julius Caesar

4. What language did Cleopatra VII grow up speaking, reading, and writing?
a. Greek
b. Roman
c. Egyptian
d. Arabic
e. Hebrew

5. What Roman ruler did Cleopatra VII have a son with?
a. Trajan
b. Marc Antony
c. Octavian
d. Gaius Marius
e. Julius Caesar

6. True or False: The people of Egypt hated Cleopatra VII because she rejected Egyptian culture and destroyed the country's economy.

7. What Roman leader did Cleopatra VII fall in love with after Julius Caesar was killed?
a. Trajan
b. Marc Antony
c. Octavian
d. Gaius Marius
e. Cicero

8. Who was the victor at the Battle of Actium?
a. Cleopatra VII
b. Julius Caesar
c. Marc Antony
d. Octavian
e. No one, it was a stalemate

9. How did Cleopatra VII die?
a. She jumped from a tall building
b. She was killed in battle
c. She allowed a poisonous cobra to bite her
d. She was assassinated by her brother
e. She died of old age as the longest living ruler of Egypt

10. Cleopatra VII claimed to be the reincarnation of what Egyptian god or goddess?
a. Isis
b. Osiris
c. Ptah
d. Horus
e. Thoth

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Cleopatra VII page at

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