Benjamin Banneker

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Benjamin Banneker.

1. Where was Benjamin Banneker born?
a. North Carolina
b. England
c. Georgia
d. Africa
e. Maryland

2. Which of the following best describes Benjamin Banneker's childhood?
a. He served as a slave on a southern cotton plantation
b. He worked on his parents' farm doing chores
c. He was a servant at a large house in Atlanta, GA
d. He was a runaway slave who worked his way north to freedom
e. He grew up in England and moved to the Americas in his teens

3. How was Benjamin Banneker educated?
a. He attended a small Quaker school
b. He borrowed books and studied them on his own
c. He learned by building things on his own such as a clock
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. What astronomical event did Benjamin Banneker accurately predict?
a. An eclipse of the Sun
b. Sun spot activity
c. A meteor shower
d. Full lunar eclipse
e. An alignment of four of the planets

5. Benjamin Banneker worked as a surveyor on what major city?
a. Richmond, Virginia
b. New York City, New York
c. Boston, Mass.
d. Washington, D.C.
e. Raleigh, North Carolina

6. What sort of information did Benjamin Banneker publish in his almanac?
a. Weather predictions
b. Tide Tables
c. Essays
d. Commentaries
e. All of the above

7. What president did Benjamin Banneker write to requesting that he put an end to slavery?
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. James Madison
e. John Quincy Adams

8. Where did Benjamin Banneker's grandmother, Molly Welsh, come from?
a. Africa
b. France
c. Italy
d. England
e. Germany

9. True or False: Benjamin Banneker was a slave until he was freed by escaping to Canada.

10. What was Benjamin Banneker most known for?
a. Helping slaves to escape north through the Underground Railroad
b. Establishing a college for African-Americans
c. Writing an annual almanac full of useful information
d. Fighting the South during the Civil War
e. Working as a spy during the Revolutionary War

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Benjamin Banneker page at

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