
Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from

1. What is Augustus most famous for?
a. Conquering the Greeks
b. Getting assassinated by Brutus
c. His historical writings
d. Becoming the first Roman Emperor
e. His oratorical skills

2. What name did Augustus go by prior to being given the title Augustus by the Roman Senate?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Nero
c. Octavian
d. Cicero
e. Antony

3. What famous Roman leader named Augustus as his heir?
a. Cicero
b. Julius Caesar
c. Claudius
d. Hadrian
e. Agrippa

4. What was the Second Triumvirate?
a. A war that Augustus waged on the Egyptians
b. The name Augustus gave to his most powerful army
c. A book written by Cicero about the many exploits of Augustus during his reign
d. A group of protesters who wanted the Roman Republic restored
e. A powerful alliance between Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus

5. What foreign leader allied with Marc Antony against Augustus?
a. Cleopatra of Egypt
b. Genghis Khan
c. Alexander the Great of Macedonia
d. Charlemagne
e. Xerxes II

6. What entity or ruler had the most power during the Roman Empire?
a. The senate
b. The consuls
c. The people
d. The tribunes
e. The emperor

7. Which of the following best describes Rome under the rule of Augustus?
a. It was a time of constant war
b. Augustus was a tyrant who killed all his enemies and destroyed much of Rome
c. It was a time of peace and prosperity
d. The rule of Augustus began the decline of the Roman Empire
e. It was a time of economic hardship and famine

8. Who served as the primary general for Augustus when he was fighting to gain power?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Agrippa
c. Cicero
d. Octavian
e. Marc Antony

9. Who was defeated at the Battle of Actium?
a. Marc Antony and Lepidus
b. Julius Caesar and Octavian
c. Cicero and Marcus Aurelius
d. Hannibal Barca
e. Marc Antony and Cleopatra

10. Which of the following did Augustus accomplish during his rule of Rome?
a. The standing army of Rome was established using professional soldiers
b. Much of the city of Rome was rebuilt
c. A lasting period of peace and prosperity began which lasted 200 years
d. A permanent fire-fighting force was established in the city of Rome
e. All of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Augustus page at

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