Earth Science: Topography

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Topography.

1. What does topography describe?
a. The composition of the layers of the Earth
b. Different types of objects in outer space
c. The physical features of an area of land
d. The different layers of the Earth's atmosphere
e. The skin, fur, or exoskeleton of an animal

2. Which of the following topographical features gives the north/south position of a location?
a. Landforms
b. Elevation
c. Latitude
d. Longitude
e. None of the Above

3. Which of the following topographical features describes the color of an object?
a. Landforms
b. Elevation
c. Latitude
d. Longitude
e. None of the Above

4. Which of the following topographical features gives the east/west position of a location?
a. Landforms
b. Elevation
c. Latitude
d. Longitude
e. None of the Above

5. Which of the following topographical features includes mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers?
a. Landforms
b. Elevation
c. Latitude
d. Longitude
e. None of the Above

6. Which of the following topographical features describes the height of mountains or other objects?
a. Landforms
b. Elevation
c. Latitude
d. Longitude
e. None of the Above

7. What are contour lines on a topographical map used for?
a. To show the latitude position of an object
b. To show the longitude position of an object
c. To show rivers or lakes on a map
d. To show elevation changes in the land
e. All of the Above

8. Which of the following is NOT an example of an indirect survey?
a. Satellite pictures
b. Radar images
c. A surveyor on the ground using a level
d. Pictures taken from an airplane
e. Sonar images

9. True or False: The closer the contour lines are on a topographical map, the steeper the slope of the land.

10. Which of the following is an example of how topography is used in the modern-day world?
a. To plan military strategies
b. To help predict the weather
c. To determine how wind and water will cause erosion
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Topography page at

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