Physics: The Sun

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: The Sun.

1. What type of star is the Sun?
a. Red dwarf star
b. Blue giant star
c. Supergiant star
d. Yellow dwarf star
e. Neutron star

2. What do we call the Sun and all the objects that orbit around the Sun (i.e. the planets)?
a. Milky Way
b. Solar System
c. Galaxy
d. Solar Wind
e. Asteroid Belt

3. The Sun is a star in what galaxy?
a. Pinwheel
b. Andromeda
c. Sunflower
d. Whirlpool
e. Milky Way

4. The Sun is composed mostly of what element?
a. Hydrogen
b. Iron
c. Helium
d. Oxygen
e. Plutonium

5. What process allows the Sun to produce so much heat and energy?
a. Fossil fuels
b. Hydropower
c. Nuclear fusion
d. Electric wind
e. Photosynthesis

6. What process do plants use to capture the energy of the Sun?
a. Fossil fuels
b. Hydropower
c. Nuclear fusion
d. Electric wind
e. Photosynthesis

7. Around how old is the Sun?
a. 1 million years
b. 40 million years
c. 500 million years
d. 1 billion years
e. 4.5 billion years

8. What is the main source of energy in the Solar System?
a. Gravity of the planets
b. Jupiter
c. A black hole at the center of the galaxy
d. The Sun
e. Life on Earth

9. True or False: The Sun makes up over 99% of the mass in the Solar System.

10. What is an Astronomical Unit?
a. The diameter of the Sun
b. The distance from the Sun to the furthest planet
c. The distance from the Earth to the Sun
d. The distance light travels in a year
e. The distance from the Earth to the Moon

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: The Sun page at

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