Earth Science: Soil

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Soil.

1. What is soil made of?
a. Rocks
b. Decayed plants
c. Minerals
d. Decayed animals
e. All of the above

2. What important soil measurement determines how much water it can hold?
a. Temperature
b. Texture
c. Color
d. Consistency
e. All of the above

3. What is another name for the layers of soil?
a. Levels
b. Stories
c. Horizons
d. Blocks
e. Mantles

4. What is the solid mass of rock below soil called?
a. Organic
b. Topsoil
c. Subsoil
d. Parent material
e. Bedrock

5. What layer is considered the 'B' layer of soil?
a. Organic
b. Topsoil
c. Subsoil
d. Parent material
e. Bedrock

6. What layer is the primary layer of soil where plants and animals live?
a. Organic
b. Topsoil
c. Subsoil
d. Parent material
e. Bedrock

7. What layer is also called the humus layer and is made up of plant remains like leaves and twigs?
a. Organic
b. Topsoil
c. Subsoil
d. Parent material
e. Bedrock

8. What layer is called the 'C' horizon and is made up mostly of rocks?
a. Organic
b. Topsoil
c. Subsoil
d. Parent material
e. Bedrock

9. How does soil help in supporting life on Earth?
a. It filters the water
b. It helps recycle nutrients like carbon and nitrogen
c. Many plants grow in the soil
d. Soil is home to living organisms such as bacteria
e. All of the above

10. True or False: Soil can be over-farmed to where crops can no longer grow in it.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Soil page at

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