Biology: Plant Defenses

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Biology: Plant Defenses.

1. What are animals that eat plants called?
a. Vegans
b. Carnivores
c. Plantations
d. Herbivores

2. Which of the following would be considered a constitutive defense?
a. Bark
b. Thorns
c. Cuticle
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

3. Which of the following best describes an induced defense?
a. A thick outer protective layer
b. A temporary defense to defend against an attack
c. Sharp thorns that injure attackers
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

4. What is the protective waxy layer on the surface of plants called?
a. Spore
b. Leaf
c. Root
d. Vacuole
e. Cuticle

5. What thick protective layer is on tree trunks and branches to protect from insects?
a. Bark
b. Poison
c. Root
d. Thorns
e. Chemicals

6. What do spines, barbs, and thorns help protect plants against?
a. Viruses
b. Bacteria
c. Large animals
d. Insects
e. All of the Above

7. How does tasting bad help defend against animals?
a. By paralyzing the animal
b. By preventing the animal or insect from swallowing the plant
c. By injuring the animal and causing pain
d. If a better tasting plant is nearby, the animal will move on
e. None of the Above

8. What type of plants will actually eat insects as a defense?
a. Trees
b. Carnivorous plants
c. Flowers
d. Herbivores
e. Constitutive

9. Wisteria, foxglove, and chrysanthemums have what type of plant defense in common?
a. Thorns
b. Barbs
c. Bad taste
d. Carnivorous
e. Poison

10. True or False: Plants sometimes use their defenses to fend off other plants from their area.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Biology: Plant Defenses page at

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